As a new renewable energy, solar energy is widely used in our daily life. In the light-heat conversion, the solar water heater is the most widely used, the most mature technology and the best economic. Next, Jinan Solar Accessories Company will improve the working principle of solar water heater for you, hoping to help you!
1. Endothermic process
Solar radiation passes through the outer tube of the vacuum tube and is absorbed by the collector coating and then transferred to the water in the tube along the inner tube wall. When the water in the pipe is absorbed heat, the temperature rises and the specific gravity decreases and rises, forming an upward motive force and a thermosiphon system. As the hot water moves up from time to time and stores in the upper part of the water storage tank, and the lower temperature water is added to the other side of the pipe from time to time to reciprocate, eventually the whole tank water rises to a certain temperature. Flat-plate water heaters, generally split water heaters, the medium in the collector plate due to the natural cycle of thermal siphon, solar radiation in the collector plate heat transfer to the water tank in time, the water tank through heat exchange (jacket or coil) heat transfer to cold water. Medium can also be circulated through the pump to complete heat transfer.
2. Circulating Pipeline
Household solar water heaters usually work in a natural circulation mode without external power. Vacuum tubular solar water heater is directly inserted structure, hot water through gravity to provide power. Flat-panel solar water heaters provide power through the pressure of tap water (called top water). Pump cycle is used in solar central heating system. Because the solar water heater collector area is not large, considering the loss of heat energy, pipeline circulation is generally not used.
3. Top-water application process

Flat panel solar water heater works in top water mode. Vacuum tube solar water heater can also work in top water mode. Jacket or coil can be used in water tank. The advantage of headwater work is that the pressure of water supply is tap water pressure, which is higher than natural gravity pressure. Especially when the height of the device is not high, its characteristic is that the water temperature is first high and then low, easy to control, easy to adapt to the users, but the tap water is required to adhere to the water supply ability. The solar water heater with top water working mode has higher cost and higher price than gravity water heater.
Okay, that's the highlight of this issue. I don't know if my little friends understand it after reading it. If you have any questions, you can always consult the official website of Jinan Solar Accessories online customer service staff: http://spninja.com! Thank you very much for your support!