    In recent years, household solar hot water system has been loved by people. While solar water heaters bring convenience to people's lives, what you don't know is that in thunderstorm weather, some solar water heaters without lightning protection equipment can easily become "lightning rods".
    The so-called household solar hot water system is a device installed in civil buildings that can convert solar energy into heat energy to heat water for household use. It is usually composed of solar collectors, water tanks, pipes, electric heaters and controllers. Here, Xiaobian of Jinan Solar Accessories Factory tells you that in thunderstorm weather, the household solar hot water system hides serious security risks.
    In order to collect heat, household solar hot water system is usually installed at the top of the roof, which makes the solar water heater more vulnerable to lightning attack in thunderstorm weather. It will not only destroy the solar collector, but also make the large lightning current directly into the indoor along the power supply lines, water transmission conduits and so on, so that indoor personnel or household appliances are struck by lightning. Previously, there was no specific technical standard for lightning protection of household solar hot water system in lightning protection business. In actual business, all localities relied only on the understanding and reference design of lightning protection designers for other related technical standards, lacking of uniform standard implementation standards. Therefore, the formulation of the Code provides technical support for lightning protection management, business work and engineering implementation of domestic solar hot water system.
    The Code stipulates the design of direct lightning protection, shielding wiring, electrical and electronic system, equipotential connection and grounding device for domestic solar hot water system, and specifies the main problems involved in the construction of lightning protection device, including lightning protection device connection, equipotential connection construction, surge protection device installation, etc. The lightning protection design and indoor local equipotential connection schematic diagram of the Yangshui hot water system are presented. At the same time, specific requirements are put forward for the quality acceptance and daily maintenance and management of the lightning protection device. In order to meet the technical requirements of lightning protection, the design and construction of lightning protection for household solar hot water system should be carried out according to the specific requirements of lightning protection for household solar hot water system.
    Before the arrival of thunderstorm season every year, the owner or user of household solar hot water system should maintain and inspect its lightning protection device, find problems and rectify them in time.
    Okay, today's wonderful content will be introduced here. If you have any questions, please consult the official website customer service staff of Jinan Solar Accessories: http://spninja.com.